September 27, 2018

5 Questions with Stefanie Shick

1. What Word Best Describes You?


2. Why do you work for NeedLink Nashville?

"I work for NeedLink Nashville because I care about making a positive impact in the Nashville community. I’m so thankful to be familiar with so many of the valuable resources that are available to the residents of Nashville. It’s very rewarding to partner with other agencies and churches to improve the lives of our neighbors."

3. What client story from your work at NeedLink Nashville has been most memorable for you?

"We hear stories every week of people who are faced with unexpected tragedies and circumstances. I’m happy to work for an agency that can be a small part of helping so many get through stressful financial situations. We never know what each day holds… One story that had an impact on me happened at the end of last year. NeedLink assisted a woman with her electric bill who went blind in December 2016 due to an autoimmune disorder. She had to adjust to living on a fixed income and paying for expensive medication after working most of her life. This woman had an upbeat, positive attitude and felt joyful that she was “blessed with blindness” as opposed to the paralysis that others with her condition sometimes experience."

4. What book are you reading lately?

"Right now, I’m reading The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale and The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer."

5. Name one of your heroes and tell us about them.

"Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I read his biography, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy,  by Eric Metaxas several years ago and was deeply affected by his conviction, compassion, and sacrifice during World War II."